(August 04, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Sri Lanka today (Aug . 2) released their own version of the evidences to counter the evidences presented by Channel 4.
The first inference comes from the observation is that Sri Lanka has to present these evidences before an impartial tribunal, the crux is that if you are going to present evidence of non culpability present it to a body that can make a ruling. That will close the case. To me it looks like beating around the bush or more appropriately trying to pull wool over our eyes.
We are inviting Sri Lanka to agree to such a tribunal. The selection of the judges and jurors can be agreed upon by both sides and the officers can be sequestered and segregated from influence and credible witness program is in place.
When they released their own version of “Lies Agreed Upon”, they are implying miscarriage of justice. There is no other need for it or from it. A nation to resort to propaganda war to clear its name is totally unnecessary unless they have genuine reasons to be worried of. They and only they can clear their name. Media outlets is not the way to seek justice, it is good for political purposes.
This video of “Lies Agreed Upon” has evidences Sri Lanka has in its possession and hence they have a legitimate defence. I wonder then why they should hesitate for a fully blown investigation. I feel that Sri Lanka should be given a fair hearing and fair chance to clear its name, reputation and sovereignty
All sensible and fair minded people are going to say, if you think you are innocent then what fear do you have in going before an international tribunal of neutral judges and jury. I do not understand what the fuss here is.
I hope Mahinda Rajapaksa, Gothabaya Rajapaksa and others who were involved in the 2009 genocide will give serious thoughts to my idea.
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