Lanzamiento de la Red Informativa de Genocidio y Derechos Humanos

La Fundación Luisa Hairabedian presenta la Red Informativa de Genocidio y Derechos Humanos que tiene como objetivo informar sobre congresos, actualidad, seminarios, publicaciones, conferencias, bibliografía y postgrados relacionados a Ciencias Sociales, Estudios sobre Genocidio, Diáspora Armenia y temáticas afines

viernes, 22 de junio de 2012


Almost one hundred years later…


Pierre Akkelian


Lost Armenian gold located by Turkish Historical Society


Hürriyet photo

The Turkish Historical Society has claimed that gold that was obtained from the auctioning off of Armenian assets during the Ottoman era was seized by Ally forces as war reparations in the aftermath of World War I, daily Bugün has reported. 
Around 5 million pieces of Ottoman gold reportedly belonging to Armenians who left the empire were taken by Ally forces, possibly by Britain, according to a recent two-year study by the society. 
A group of Armenian-Canadians were paid compensation by a British bank from the seized fund, which now equals 1.3 million pounds. 
The money was initially transferred to a 
German bank and was then divided between the Allies.
The U.S. government has been investigating the sources of the transfer in the Allies' budget as well, Bugün reported.


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